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Forget about the sweat if you always rock your style in layers!

Layering is not an easy choice to make specially those people like me who always sweat a lot. We always have a different taste in terms or choosing and buying clothes. Some people choose the best outfit that will make them look good, but others also consider the "comfort" in styling. For me, I always take a risk and forget about the comfort because I'm always confident if I look good and that thing makes me comfortable at all.


The following photos are RAW :

Jacket: Armani

Shirt: Mint

Short: Bench


Fashion fades, only style remains the same - Coco Chanel

Why fit in, if you were born to stand out - Dr. Seuss

Style is much more interesting than fashion really - Marc Jacobs

Do not forget: If you choose your style, choose streetstyle!

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